I'd like to acknowledge those who have helped me and who continue to support, encourage and inspire me to create healing harp music.
The Supreme Soul, Shiv Baba, my Eternal Music Director
who showed me the True Path to Peace,
Purity, Love, and Happiness
Portia Diwa, Harp Teacher
who taught me the art of playing the healing harp music and
guided me to become a Certified Healing Harpist.
Fern Jeffcoat, Meditator, Tai Chi Instructor/Photographer
who took her time to choose great locations at
Anubhuti Retreat Center and at Kauai Island for beautiful photos
Denise Lawrence, Raja Yoga Meditation Practitioner/Teacher
who inspired me to compose my original music on harp
during the lockdown for her meditation commentary
series on Bereavement
Vaishali Patel, Photographer
who is a multi-talented soul and also a certified Laugher Yoga Instructor
Diana Stork, Composer/Harpist/Teacher
whose original harp compositions inspired me to compose
my own Healing Harp Music in D-Dorian mode
Dyan, Editor
who has been my friend for over 30 years,
has supported me with full of love, enthusiasm, and cheerfulness
My Mom
who had me started on piano lessons at the age of four and
has allowed me to explore the world of music throughout my life
Brothers and Sisters of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization
who have been my spiritual family, service companions,
mentors and classmates for the past 21 years
and who gave me opportunities to do Godly service through music